Jedi! :)

Jedi! :)

Drawn by Vomika. Part of the album Nature.


1. This pic for Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars/the clones wars. Hey! Yoda :) Hey and all there! Have fun everywhere and out borders of our galaxy too i mean in yours dreams at night... [picture not yet ended maybe will end at/in my sleeping/dreaming :))) ]

2. ''I say hello You saying good bye...'' this draw also for one very nice singer of 90s - Sandra and she is one of my fave's singers and her ''deep touching to our power/soul inside'' song : ''Sandra - I Close My Eyes''. Thank You Friend. Thanks All People from voting and up and down, i not care about liking , i only wish that what i do from my heart will fill Your heart too My dear visitor :)

3. im very open person , maybe i wrote some not formal , sorry i like to be like it ok ok and now Glory to Nature ! without what/which i and could not and draw that :) Animals and People should to be as Friends.

4. i support ''Green Peace org.'' : no smoke, no drink, no fast food.

© 2013 Vomika. All rights reserved.

Nature Zebra

"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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