F4 Phantom

F4 Phantom

Drawn by Voivodian.

© 2014 Voivodian. Licensed under CC-BY.

Jet Fighter USAF Phantom F4 Plane

The most powerful plane in world its our ukranian АН 225 "Мрія" once i saw him really Great. i know that Americans also liked our plane —  Vomika
Nice look likes i also use to draw them in game room when i boring —  Vomika
But of course, the An 225! I've been a big fan of Eastern European aviation. Stealth fighters are overrated; Russian jets are still the best (and most good looking) conventional fighters. —  Voivodian
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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