End the drawing if you dare

End the drawing if you dare

Drawn by xLitchi for the End the drawing if you dare challenge. Part of the album Challenges'.


It's my revenge xD <3 Please don't hate me ! Told you I have imagination haha <3

© 2015 xLitchi. Licensed under CC-BY.

@Zakeena xD Tes conneries oui <3 —  xLitchi
@xLitchi imprimer / chier / envoyer :p —  Zakeena
@Zakeena Degueulasse va :* —  xLitchi
@xLitchi <3 <3 :-* —  Zakeena
:no: —  ch1ris23
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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