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Litchi Cable Sword Bunny Shield

With special guest star Bunny Boy, because you don't put the corgi in a kennel D:<

Brain Robotics Fire Nature Technology Television

I don't think Liar can take credit for the entire thing, but the brain heads were definitely an...

Alien Sword Shield Musketeer

Why finish a draw when I can have sketchport finish it for me?

Polar Bear Purple Penguin Unicycle Top Hat Bow Tie

What's in the nest? Aw it's a couple of cute, purple baby penguins. Only a few will understand...

Smiley Slug Ugly People

Let's trade fireworks for chocolates and go punch some leprechauns

Slug Decapitation Thanksgiving Drool

Let's all wear costumes and steal turkeys from santa and the elves!

Titan Trees Food Human Heart Blood

I guess so it properly fits the challenge the right one is me and the left one is Shelly (so she...

Tapir Snow Fangs

TAPIR FACTS: Tapir, better known as "fanged pig", or "murderer of the arctic", is a carnivorous...

the cropping is all kinds of messed up now but there it is

Master Shake ATHF Ignignokt Err Mooninites Burglar

Master Shake and the Mooninites steal from Carl. Inspired in part by...

Death Cat Moon Winter

I know the costume is creepy but the cat is what scares me...

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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