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B&W Landscape Nature Monsters Woods Creatures Night Campfire

Gather 'round t' fire pit 'n gaze int' t' flames. List'n t' emb'rs pop and watch t' blaze...

Fruit Still life Kiwi Mangosteen Mamey Sapote

Mamey Sapote, Mangosteen, Kiwi. Also known as a papaya with a big seed, a plum with garlic...

A coloured version of Mouldy Sponge's "murpleharesketch" Thank you Julius! Life is beautiful in colour :)

Goblin Suit

I was told to draw a goblin in a suit. So I drew a goblin in a suit lol. Enjoy :3

Lion king shenzi who

I wanted to draw Whoopi Goldberg as the hyena she voice acted for in The Lion King, Shenzi. It...

I saw a photo that look like this before on Facebook, but I drew it without looking at the...

Castle Sky

Inspired by @Lazarus Blake floating castle!

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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