
Enjoy the latest and greatest drawings.

I once went on a blind date as well... Her name was :..::::...:.:.::.

Countryside Mountains Trees Stone Wall

Something I started over a year ago; and have been gradually adding to in the times when I'm...

Be kind to your brain. Morbid Mumbles did the line work and forced me to color it xD. Read the...

The last name is pronounced (Lad-ee-boosh) yea it's weird but anyways yea her hair looks like...

Converted from Sketchfu - One of the few I've done in black and white on sketchfu. Again one of...

Peace Rainbow Color

peace noun /pēs/ peaces, plural Freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility you can while...

yep aNOTHER OC She looks a lot like Jade just to point that out b4 someone else does.

Hey guys this is one of my creation and what u think of it?

"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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