Undead Alien Sorceress

Undead Alien Sorceress

Drawn by Luna Sea. Part of the album Fantasy.

© 2015 Luna Sea. Licensed under CC-BY.


Thanks! @Nikko @✳UneekL4evr✳ Thanks, shading has always been my favorite part of drawing. :) —  Luna Sea
This makes me think undead sorceress more than alien —  thewalkingdude
@thewalkingdude good description, I was having trouble deciding what she was and wasn't sure about alien. —  Luna Sea
Or it could be undead alien sorceress :p —  thewalkingdude
@thewalkingdude :P —  Luna Sea
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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