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More mouse drawings. Hopefully I don't get used to drawing with one. That's a scary thought xD

More mouse drawing. Trying to take the edge off of my drawing needs while I wait for the return...

I took one of Azzah's lovey patterns and attempted to draw with my mouse....I really miss my...

Landscape Water Waves Dusk Sunset

So...I wanted to learn to draw rough water....MUCH more work than I anticipated lol. Thank you...

So happy it hurts... Liar Uneek Shelly Nikko Papachan

A lazy drawing lol. Enjoy SP

Papachan Birthday

In true Papachan fashion, I modified an existing drawing lol. Happy Birthday, Papachan!

Landscape Sky Clouds

Drawing inspired from a photo taken by the magic one aka hobo. I got lazy towards the end... lol

No one else wanted these colors together so Mouldy and I wanted to let them know they can be in...


I like the colors. the actual drawing? not so much lol

Boat Collab

This hellboat was pure hell to submit lol. Collab with Liar

Sky Challenge

You see...I wasn't going to use this one for the challenges buttttt I realized that I haz no...

Landscape Water Silhouette Person

I can't believe i finished this as fast as I did with my runny nose, scratchy throat, and aching head lol

Blue Landscape Sky Water

yeah, nothing I was trying for the foreground was working so I'll leave it empty.

Sky Challenge

I was working on a drawing and I figured why not kill two birds with one stone. I get to enter...

Sky Challenge

I didn't like this one but someone (riff and sil) told me it wasn't bad so here it is, SP :3

Quick drawing of the evil, despicable, 100% from my imagination Ms. Parker.

"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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