
Joined .

“Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk.”

Thank you kindly for all the encouragement :3 —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
Thank u for the likes :3 <3 —  idk
hi 39 year old man. you missed august 2nd >.> —  soni ♪♫
thaanks yous —  nolli yacin
you have become great artist... :) impressed with your latest drawings.. —  Innocent Sylph
Where are you? :/ —  Kube
I miss you ;-; —  soni ♪♫
ادووومييييي —  Noor 🍬🍭
you alright? —  Silenhalle
i miss you pls come back —  soni ♪♫
22nd 29050


Tried to vote up your own drawing

Then The Morning Comes

Submitted a drawing between 4am and 5am

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am

I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green

What?! 9000?!

Earned over 9000 reputation

"Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable."
Carl Sagan
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