私は秋が好きです ^^

私は秋が好きです ^^

Drawn by Aya Mulder. Part of the album Nature.


Tried to finish my pending drawing (again) . I like the first version better xD

© 2013 Aya Mulder. Licensed under CC-BY.

I want to make beautiful pictures like you do. —  Unbreakable Wings
@SilentButterfly Thank you ^^ and u can :D You need to practice and learn from people here:D —  Aya Mulder
♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥ is a all i have to say. :3 —  nightstar
@nightstar Thank you ^^ —  Aya Mulder
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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