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happy qatar national day :) .....geeez i wish i could c the firworks :L

hi^^ yes i does am Palestinian live in syria (daraa) country nice to meet u ^^ —  Usama kun
@Usama kun oh i cc —  sweetrox
i not fast got about what , now i see I congrats all Qatar !!! : ) have a nice holiday to You and your familly / close ppl / just friends ! See , Green Peace forever :-) —  Vomika
@Vomika ..... u r sweet :3 —  sweetrox
now i see why u re sweet O_O ... any words just Wonderfa(u)ll !!!.... —  Vomika
Thank you for the Vote/Like! c: —  StormyNight
Thanks for voting up! —  flora-remora
Haha… I haven't drawn anything on here. All my drawings are ones I did on sketchfu, that have been transferred to sketchport. —  DontSpeakSilent
uwaa thank you! —  Chuli
Thank you ^^ —  Lilyfield
@DontSpeakSilent i c —  sweetrox
There's no way i look like you. You're gorgeous. Im a gargoyle. —  LiizPsychoticDayD...
Sweetrox why when i saying hello to you or sending to you private message hi how are you you never answer me ? —  Vomika
@Vomika , i dont stay here my dear , i am really sorry , as i told u i have to study a lot! , i m gonna have 1st term exam next month (march :( ) i dunno what to do , i keep studyind day and night but its still left , i m in a tough moment ryt now -_- i m really sorry! —  sweetrox
@sweetrox then im sorry too , i not known that you study so alot and i thought when u say hey anybody i can say hello to you too what today i and did , but you not answered , well i see you study then i wish you more not worry i already all god , GOOD LUCK IN STUDY !!! —  Vomika
—  xLitchi
Hope you come back one day :) —  Zakeena
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I Know Kung Fu

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"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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