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🌙✨Hi! I was inspired to make this from my own self! How I got inspired from myself? You may...

#Made-upStory #Story

(Don't mind their sizes please.) This is a fake and made-up Story, so you can tell it didn't...

#Cri/Cry #IDon'tKnowWhatElseToAdd

She cri,She sad, but most importantly......... She wanna.... D i e- (This is what I decided to...

#Didn'tHaveEnoughSpace- #HeWasSupposedToBeProtectingSomeone #E

I didn't have enough room for him to protect someone- The description I wanted to put if I could...


Hi everyone! This is the finished version of my other drawing! To be honest, I thought this was...

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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