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Converted from Sketchfu - My final portrait from sketchfu. Sketchfu has given me so much, I've...

Converted from Sketchfu

Converted from Sketchfu - hand fail. xD

Converted from Sketchfu -Can you tell who's my favorite person to draw is?

Converted from Sketchfu - The Pirates of the Caribbean - Public Enemies crossover

Converted from Sketchfu - This is all me except I didn't draw that fabulous chair.

Converted from Sketchfu

Converted from Sketchfu - My Jack of all trades. You've got your Hat maker, candy maker, and...

Converted from Sketchfu

Converted from Sketchfu

Converted from Sketchfu - One of the few I've done in black and white on sketchfu. Again one of...

Converted from Sketchfu - My Cap sketch! I just love this one!! One of my most detailed drawings...

Converted from Sketchfu - One of my favorites!

Converted from Sketchfu

Converted from Sketchfu - This is one of my favorite drawings to watch that I did on fu. You can...

Converted from Sketchfu

Converted from Sketchfu - Han Solo shot first! Always.

"Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring fable."
Carl Sagan
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