Edited by Crevasse

Je m'appelle Perdu, Pain Perdu. B)

This is my very first drawing on Sketchport game which I saved into my draft and left it for 4 months xD Was always thinking to make the better version of it, but hey you can do it ;D Draw some bakery who speaks French as fluent as xLitchi, Zakeena and Riff! ![enter image description here][1] [1]: http://lh6.ggpht.com/qrZBfrJnr1THso_GqpkuXppzwTsJ_v_lpt41ip54TPN6geovRVF1Y_RZOEODmPFksia1lbipKHebMOn9TlnWVehMB0s=s0 Image from my drawing: French Toast

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