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no god pls no nooooooooooo noooooooo

Drawn by Google User and inspired by Anime world.


Nashville Floods

1 People in Nashville, Tennessee, and nearby towns know all about floods. They have seen some bad ones lately. Floods in 2010 left many people without homes. In 2013, many people had to be saved from rising waters, and in 2014, it happened anew. 2 Before the floods, people went to work and school as usual. They drove on safe roads, and they went back to safe, dry homes at night. The things they owned were safe. Then the flash flood came. It was caused by too much rain falling too fast. 3 In Nashville, about six inches of rain fell almost all at once. The ground could not absorb all the rain. Water began to fill every low spot. As more rain fell, the water level rose. Then the water on the ground began to move fast. 4 Soon, water filled many roads. Trees and utility poles began crashing to the ground, and the power went out. Some people saw water come into their homes. As the water rose, some had to go upstairs. Some even had to climb up on their roof. 5 Cars started to float away, too. Some cars caused damage to other things as the water carried them. The cars were ruined, too. 6 Before the flood, Nashville and other towns managed on their own, but after it they needed help. Aid came from many places. The Red Cross opened a shelter, which gave people a place to stay. Red Cross trucks brought food and water to people in need. Some people helped remove the damaged property and trash left from all the water. Other groups helped rebuild.


This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then answer Part B.

What is the main idea of “Nashville Floods”?

People in Tennessee have experienced many floods lately.
The floods in Nashville occurred very quickly.
Damage to cars and homes resulted from the flood.
The flood of 2014 changed Nashville and other towns.


Reread paragraph 6. Choose one sentence from the paragraph that supports the main idea in Part A. Select the sentence you choose.

      Before the flood, Nashville and other towns managed on their own, but after it they needed help. Aid came from many places. The Red Cross opened a shelter, which gave people a place to stay. Red Cross trucks brought food and water to people in need. Some people helped remove the damaged property and trash left from all the water. Other groups helped rebuild.


Read each statement in the chart. Decide whether the information in the statement is found in the Passage, the Chart, or both. Place a check next to the correct box or boxes beside each statement.

Statements Passage Chart Cars float away in a flood.
The power can go out in a flood.
Some people have no food after a flood.
Some roads get filled with water.
Some homes are no longer safe.


In paragraph 2, which phrase gives a clue to the meaning of the phrase flash flood?

“drove on safe roads”
“went back to safe, dry homes”
“too much rain falling too fast”
“six inches of rain fell”


What can the reader infer about the flood in Tennessee in 2014?

It was a frightening experience for some people.
It forced people to rebuild in new places.
It resulted in the loss of many lives.
It was more serious than any floods in the past.


In paragraph 1, the ew in anew has the same vowel sound as —

au in caused.
u in ruined.
eo in people.
ui in rebuild.


Which word from the passage is a compound word?



Think about the two passages, “Washington’s Firestorm” and “Nashville Floods.” How are these two passages alike?

Both tell of events that happened in the same place.
Both report about natural disasters.
Both describe things that happened long ago.
Both have characters and a plot.


How are wildfires and floods similar?

Both can be prevented by careful planning and hard work.
Both make people move to new areas and build better homes.
Both happen only in places that have warm weather all year.
Both destroy property and force people to leave their homes.


Choose one of the four passages you have read: “Armadillo Sings,” “Little Bear and Big Bear,” “Washington’s Firestorm,” “Nashville Floods.” Write a news report telling what happened, based on the details in the passage. Be sure to use complete sentences and follow the conventions of standard English.

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"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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