I'd Rather Burn..

I'd Rather Burn..

Drawn by ☾🍍Lυиα'и'Tσм🍍☽.


I guess that you thought.. i'd be happy to have you back.. you, must think that your cute... coming out of a magic act.. This is for my brother... he hates me..

© 2018 ☾🍍Lυиα'и'Tσм🍍☽. Licensed under CC-BY.

Red Black Flame Orange Jack o lantern Text Darkness Mouth Halloween

The Songs Called, "I'd Rather Burn.." —  ☾🍍Lυиα'и'Tσм🍍☽
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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