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I often dream of being forced to live in mental hospitals, where they violently experiment with me. They cut holes in my arms and my chest, inserting tubes that allow various colored liquids flood in and out of my body.

Do they try to turn me into a rainbow?


Ah cool. It must be terrifying. I used to have nightmares of robots with their limbs extending and twisting everywhere. Their red eyes blinking at me when they see me.

Mouldy Sponge:

I have a reoccurring nightmare where my dog is a zombie and I have to kill it, but it always respawns from its kennel and I must kill it over and over again. The scary part is that even though I'm so used to killing my dog over and over it never gets any easier.


I think the only way to end these dreams is to kill your dog for real Mouldy. That will satisfy your subconsious wish.

Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ :

Driving on a bridge that ends and flying uncontrollably are my two recurring dreams

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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