when night falls, expect my visit

when night falls, expect my visit

Drawn by Sandpaper.


for I believe night is the time that keeps secrets best.

I feel a love for you that if the light of heaven felt,

the sun would not shine,

nor the moon rise, nor the stars begin their nightly journey.

-Wallada bint al-Mustakfi

© 2016 Sandpaper. Licensed under CC-BY.

Color Painting Art Mythology

you're in an epic legendary mood these days :3 —  Riff
and you just lifted up my whole mood! <3 @Riffschievous —  Sandpaper
Masterpiece.........you have became great artist...wow... (y) —  Innocent Sylph
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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