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Rabid Irresistable Fuk F*ace http://ysckemia.eklablog.fr

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R.I.P. old ca(rpe)t... 1999-2015 enter image description here

dat hair. enter image description here

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La crayon turqouise :yes: —  Kube
Absolutely! We'll send you a link ASAP :) —  Ford4D
<3 —  Zakeena
All your drawings get an upvote; just too lazy to click that thumbs up, I do check the blog once in a blue moon. —  Whose pen is
ty.. —  Sandpaper
draw, i miss your drawings —  Sandpaper
i'm back, sorry —  Sandpaper
Hi, Im Rainbow, And i wanted to tell ya i love your drawings! <3 :D —  Rainbow_Wolf_Gaming
im new at this —  Kady Grass
Wow you do save the comments still xD —  ~moneywithptc~
The easiest and most noticeable Riff in history. —  Gibbermagash
@Gibbermagash plait-il? —  Riff
squeeze away!!!!!! i missed you! —  gearstrop
my hangover didn't hit me until last night. my friend had to pull over in a church parking lot so i could dry heave xD —  gearstrop
vodka, then rum, then vodka, then whiskey, then a lot of diet coke xD friends kept saying "shannon don't mix oh my god" we got a table at a restaurant next to the restrooms that night because of how ill i was x'D —  gearstrop
Ummm I will try when I have enuff time and flour :D I ll let you know —  ~moneywithptc~
hi What's up —  Google User
Please be my friend —  Google User
Show over YouTube hips Nathan Curtis —  Google User
7th 88154


Tried to vote up your own drawing

I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green


Created an album


Tried to submit a blank canvas

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am

What?! 9000?!

Earned over 9000 reputation


Started a challenge

Dial Up

Obtained 56k


Started a discussion

"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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