

Drawn by Katykinzz and inspired by Never give up. Part of the album Katy's drawings.


i used to be so cringey uwu

but now a kawaii cutie!

© 2022 Katykinzz. Licensed under CC-BY.


Liked by Google User and Google User.
mhmm yes, slay queen😭🔥🔥 —  Google User
mhmm yes, slay queen😭🔥🔥 —  Google User
mhmm yes, slay queen😭🔥🔥 —  Google User
mhmm yes, slay queen😭🔥🔥 —  Google User
omg im so srry- idk why it posted that 7 more times- —  Google User
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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