JKT48 !

JKT48 !

Drawn by dandy.


This is a logo JKT48 ! yay, I like JKT48, Joyful, Kawai, Try to be The Best !

© 2014 dandy. Licensed under CC-BY.

JKT48 Red Joyful Kawai Try to be the best

yay~ JKT~ <3 —  Envynity
Thats it Idol group by Indonesia, I love it ! —  dandy
Wow ! JKT48, my oshi is Haruka ! —  pong man
Oh really ? my oshi is Achan. —  dandy
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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