This Draw for Manya from India , You nice drawer !

This Draw for Manya from India , You nice drawer !

Drawn by Vomika. Part of the album Pictures for my Friends.


= = = = = = = =

and cool Friend , same to me love Nature and agnaist smoking drinking and dirty things , im happy to see you on SP , wish to you draw alot pics in light positive way like you already did , that you realized all your imagine !! Happy life to U and yours parents !!!

= = = = = = = =

and look that draw which i made for you today as i and promised , just when i today came u already gone. And good luck to you with yours all exams. Green Peace team rockz :)

© 2014 Vomika. All rights reserved.

Tiger Abstract Nature Тигр Абстрактний Природа

@liliyom9 Thank You : ) —  Vomika
LOVELYYY :') <3 :3 —  Buttercup
You're Great with circles :) Love your drawings :P :3 —  Buttercup
@Buttercup i so GLAD U LIKE THEM :D —  Vomika
@Buttercup Buttercup !!!!!! —  Vomika
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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