frozen white noise static snow

frozen white noise static snow

Drawn by Silenhalle. Part of the album wouldya lookit that.


inspired by shelly's drawing of pete the cat bc he looks like a good boy? a good spicy boy

© 2017 Silenhalle. Licensed under CC-BY.

Mammal Vertebrate Cat Cat like mammal Product Carnivoran Fictional character Paw

OMG this is amazing. lol I don't get the title, but i LOVE it!!! —  Misneach
@Misneach lol glad you like it. As for the title, I was listenin to porter robinson and didn't have anything better in mind ( ) —  Silenhalle
if pete were a cat like human, this is exactly how i would envision him —  Misneach
nice —  BlitzBasilDash
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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