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Beauty Kitty Pirates

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But the most alleviating thing is realizing that YOU are...

Beach Summer Stranded

If i was stranded... and saw a boat near... id be jumping, yelling, waving fire like a fool.......

Adventure time Jake Fin and Jake

My version of jake the dog from adventure time xD

Leaves Leaf

Nothing much, just a leaf

Wish getting a taxi was this easy

Siblings People Family

Im grateful to have a sibling who has my back no matter what. A sibling who knows me better than...

Forks Dinner Fork

The weirdest thing is that i put a fork in this challenge... for no reason xD

Welcome Hello Pathway People

When one is bored you draw the most boring things for no other reason than the fact that you are bored.

Tree Nature

I suck at drawing on my cell but any who i did it xD

"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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