🐞Ladybug🐞 Planet

🐞Ladybug🐞 Planet

Drawn by Jakub for the 🐞Ladybug🐞 challenge. Part of the album Normal Drawings.


for Seahorse's "Ladybug" challenge :3

© 2015 Jakub. Licensed under CC-BY.

S-so that's where they come from! :o —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
@✳ Agent Bunny Boy ✳ :O —  Jakub
it's amazing how fast you have improved with blurry effects and lightings :3 —  Riff
@Riff thank you :3 —  Jakub
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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