
Joined .

I haven't written a bio yet :(

Yay, you're here! :D —  Lunar Eclipse
Sorry sis, I left suddenly cause my net error >< —  Aya Mulder
Stay with us petition!!! <3 —  Krissie
hahaha. You're right. Im not going anywhere. :D —  Kanani
Bark. >8C —  Buriburi
Awesome picture ! ♥ —  xLitchi
hi —  Adam
we're going to be buddies B) —  Papachan
ᗜੂͦ﹏ᗜੂͦ —  -----
kanani west! —  -----
Yay! Thanks for using my drawing as your profile picture! :D —  Luna Sea
I finally overcame the technical difficulties and got your b-day song recorded :D I hope you enjoy! and Happy Belated Birthday!!! http://vocaroo.com/i/s1QLjYwuEPhv —  uneekL4evr
@uneekL4evr... Thank you so much, baby girl. I absolutely love it!!! <3 —  Kanani
Hahahahaha!! —  Kanani
Kanzzz my love. I wish you a speedy recovery. Lots of love# <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 —  uneekL4evr
76th 5084

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am

I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green


Tried to vote up your own drawing


Posted a drawing to your Facebook account

Then The Morning Comes

Submitted a drawing between 4am and 5am

"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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