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#LastPost #Drawing

I Really Can't Post Here Anymore Because Of School Related Issues So Yeah, This Might Actually...


Uhhhhhh I got bored so I made this new oc lol. Meet Flora, she is a kind and energetic person!...

How Can I Improve Drawing? I just wanna know how to improve. I know that if you keep on drawing...

#Returning #Oc #Drawing

Hello again! I am maybe returning (Most likely.) I still have my school computer somehow, so I...


Hello Guys, it's me... This is my final goodbye, either for a while or forever... I'll obviously...

#Cringe #Something

(Last Post Maybe) This is made as a joke. also, it ain't gonna be high quality at all! The weird...


Ok so.... I might be quitting because this ain't my computer and this is a school computer......

#Dragon #Something #NoColor

Ok so, I was wanting to draw another dragon today since I haven't drawn any dragons in a while,...

#Test #School #SchoolRelated

(Something About A School Test I Guess) I think I beat the two tests that I had a hard time on,...

#UglyThing #JOKE #WhyDidIMakeThis

The truth is that she is really the one who is ugly, I MADE THIS AS A JOKE!

#Boyfriend #FNF #Something

Ok so, I wanted to draw boyfriend from FNF. (Bruh I can't draw hands lol) This reminds me of...

#Sorry #Random

I'm really sorry for not posting stuff... I'm not even supposed to use my school computer since...

#Oc #Something #No

Don't Mind This! (Do Ya Wanna Play Some Funky Friday On Roblox Maybe At Friday, Saturday, Or...

#Stop #Traumatized #Why

My mom keeps on playing the music "I'm A Barbie Girl" and I HATE IT..... I am so traumatized...

#Dream #Weird

So... In my dream, I was playing (UTMMR) Undertale Monster Mania: Reborn on Roblox somehow even...

#Furry #KindaComingBack

Just a normal drawing of a furry! Oh and also, I WILL continue using this website but not won't...

#MightQuit #Quitting #Sorry

Yep, I said it... I might be quitting drawing on this website (SketchPort) and focus on more...

Oh btw, UT Fighting is a roblox undertale fighting game where you fight other people. Pls help...

#Lazy #LosingMotivation #Break

Sorry about not posting almost every day once again... I'm just too lazy and keep on losing my...

Let's hope that 2021 is a better year than 2020... Hopefully, 2021 isn't as garbage as 2020!

#Sorry #Random

Sorry, I was busy doing other stuff... So I wasn't able to keep posting drawings! So yeah, sorry...

You decide to pet the doggo, the doggo really enjoyed that! The doggo decides to sit down and...

... Basically, I'm not gonna be making anymore parts to my made-up story since yeah... I'm just...

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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