
Joined .


You shower me with votes O_O thankyew. —  ...
You shower Cami with votes. D:< —  magicalhobo
:D D: :P ;) ._. :) (: ;_; x_x ;D o_O O_o :( T_T :/ <3 :3 D< D:< -w- </3 :# o//o :O :o o: O: o_o -3- TEEHEE >< 8D :* xD XD o0o :'D :') (': :'( )': D': @_@ *0* *O* *o* —  magicalhobo
)': the sad-face makes the tearful-happy-face? @magicalhobo —  Chris
got notification from gmail@.@ thank u, sensei,,, bows*until my body rotates to front direction* xD —  Aya Mulder
You don't draw here nearly enough :( —  Jini
Thank you so much sweetheart love :* your gift is so wonderful cant wait to use it —  LittleFawn
Love your art plz see my lil bunch —  nightstar
Woah man. Your art is so cooool. :D —  Chihihihiro
Chris, it's been too long since you've drawn here! —  magicalhobo
Chris, I agree with Hobo! —  Rebeccajj
Welcome back!, Chris :D —  Papachan
You keep coming online but not submitting anything... You must be working on a masterpiece! —  magicalhobo
:D —  coo coo :D
Hi Chris!!!! You have been selected as the artist of year! hahaha Congratulations!! XD —  Nikko
Thanks for the likes :3 <3 —  idk
Salamat! (Thank you!) 😏👍👍👍😁❤️ —  Nikko
Hi thanks for voting up my drawings! —  Karebear aj
they are pretty good —  Google User
17th 48394

Beta User

Participated in the SketchPort Beta

I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green


Tried to submit a blank canvas


Tried to vote up your own drawing


Tried to vote down your own drawing


Started a challenge

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am



Beta Breaker

Broke the SketchPort Beta

Inspirational By Association

Added something to the Inspiration page

Then The Morning Comes

Submitted a drawing between 4am and 5am


Started a discussion


Created an album

What?! 9000?!

Earned over 9000 reputation

"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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