:o :o :o

:o :o :o

Drawn by borkikoWithCapital.


When you make an emoji fail once by mistake, so you do it again on purpose.

© 2015 borkikoWithCapital. Licensed under CC-BY.

:o ! ♥ XD —  Anubis
You always draw AWSOME —  Shadow
this is darn sexy —  Riff
Looks kind of Scwhiffty to me. —  Gibbermagash
Hahaha thank you guys :D <3 @Azrael @Shadow @*Riff is Haha I dont know whats Scwhiffty xD @ºGibberellic Acidº —  borkikoWithCapital
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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