
Joined .

Aya-chan made me get one xD I enjoy drawing. I've been drawing my entire life, but there were times where I stopped. Talking to someone that was passionate about art coaxed me from my dormancy, and in January 2011 I bought a drawing tablet. The rest is art history xd

I'm a recent Linux convert. I love The Script. I love learning new words I hope to employ while writing a book someday :) I've met some amazing people in my life: I was fortunate to take whom I believed to be the most beautiful girl in the world to prom; I've had teachers who've become lifelong friends; I have a friend who, while reading the copy of her book she sent to me as a lagniappe (BIG WORD ALERT), is someone that I know personally and don't have to go to book signings to see; and I have a great mom who's been very good to me.

I hope to draw many wonderful drawings, and maybe even learn some new styles and techniques. Um, thanks for reading this if you took the time to!

Been wanting to say something to u, but I keep forgot xD that new word yay xD lagniappes xP —  Aya Mulder
yes! lagniappes is a word for like a gift :D —  Kevin
WONDERFUL introduction! I love it! —  Kanani
Great drawings :3 cant wait to see more ^_^ —  Agneta Juodenaite
Nice words! —  Maricy
aww, thanks @Maricy and @Agneta Juodenaite and @Kanani :D <3 —  Kevin
thanks Kevin! i'm so glad you like it. —  Ichiban Yada
Kevin! you up for some sort of game this weekend? :) —  Rebeccajj
sure! hmm.. how about... 10 my time? :) —  Kevin
81st 4058

I Know Kung Fu

Submitted a drawing using only Black and Green


Tried to vote up your own drawing

Night Owl

Submitted a drawing between 2am and 3am

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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